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Single service zone for S7 passengers in Domodedovo airport

S7 airlines, the largest Russian carrier in terms of domestic passenger turnover in 2008, is opening a special service zone for passengers in Moscow International Airport Domodedovo.

Increasing the quality of services for passengers the airline has opened three new service desks in the S7 registration zone (in front of Entrance № 2 to Domodedovo passenger terminal):
- an additional service payment desk
- information and help desk
- late - registration and transit passenger helpdesk.

The monitors above the desks show information on S7 airlines flights and on joint flights with partner airlines.

S7 provides a wide range of additional services for passengers in Domodedovo International Airport: sped up registration procedures, business and VIP lounge services, postal services, individual services. Passengers now have the opportunity to order any of these services and receive information on registration procedures, transit flights, issues, concerning luggage in the single S7 service zone.

The service zone is also equipped with self-registration kiosks where airline consultants are able to assist passengers that need help going through the registration procedure.

In order to register for a flight, passengers need to plan a sufficient amount of time before departure for going through all the procedures. Registration on the main desks closes 40 minutes prior departure. In case of an emergency, if a passenger arrives 10-15 minutes after the registration desks are already closed he/she can seek assistance at a special S7 late - registration service desk. (Please note: a passenger may be refused registration depending on the circumstances. Turning to the late registration desk does not give a guarantee of registration).

23 Марта 2009


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